Little Common Surgery 01424 847575
Old Town Surgery 01424 739420

Phone lines open 8.00am to 6.30pm

Secondary Care Blood Tests

Most services that are provided by GP practices are carried out under a national general medical services (GMS) contract. This sets out the core services that every GP practice has to provide to its registered patients.

However, some specific services have been set up based on the needs of the local population that are outside of this contract. These are agreed locally rather than nationally and known as Locally Commissioned Services.

Phlebotomy (blood tests) is provided at our surgery as an additional service to our core contract. It is a Locally Commissioned Service.

NHS Sussex (not the Practice) has taken the decision to make changes to some of these services for the rest of the year so that the NHS locally can help to meet its budget. Phlebotomy is one of these services where changes have been agreed across Sussex.

This means that we are currently unable to offer any blood tests requested by secondary care or any healthcare professional outside of the GP Practice until further notice.

We are currently unable to provide blood tests if you are under secondary care and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Therefore if you have been requested to have a blood test by your Specialist at the hospital, please call 0300 131 5560 or use the following links to book online;

Bexhill Community Diagnostic Centre – Beeching Road

Conquest Hospital

Eastbourne DGH